On February 12, a handful of board members and friends of the chapter spent the day creating a Conference Journey Map to help us uncover opportunities to create a unique experience for our conference attendees.
Although it was a long and exhausting day, I came away with a handful of wins:
- As innovators, it forced us to "eat our own dog food" by leveraging the tools we preached
- It was nice to see someone else facilitate a journey mapping session and see how a fellow PDMA professional does it. (thanks, Doug of Blue Earth Network)
- It allowed me to get out of the office (thanks, Magellan Idea Center for lending us your creative space)
- We addressed not only the typical action items in our previous conferences (i.e., how should we handle parking?) but also considered the Chapter's brand and how we might extend the conference beyond the "transaction" of the single day
- We set up a nice blueprint for future conferences
I hope you'll come out on April 24 and see how we did! Check out the agenda or register now.