7:30 - Registration, breakfast and networking
8:15 - Opening Remarks
8:30 - Keynote Address: "Challenge your Assumptions, Accelerate your Innovations" - Andy Cohen, Andrew Cohen Worldwide
9:30 - Sponsor Presentations
9:45 - Choice of Programs
- Track 1: "Raising Capital from the Crowd" - Roy Morejon (Enventys Partners)
- Track 2: "Creating a Culture to Accelerate Innovation" - Ruth Crowley, Jaclyn Pardini Hartzell and Rebecca Horton (Lowes)
10:35 - Break
10:55 - Choice of Programs
- Track 1: "Accelerating High Value Ideas Commercialization" - Alan Keuneke (Sopheon)
- Track 2: "Innovation Delivery Through Empowering Diversity of Thought" - Mike Duke (Wells Fargo)
11:45 - Lunch
12:45 - Choice of Programs
- Track 1: "Why OKRs are Making Traditional Product Road-map and Formal Innovation Process a Thing of the Past" - Brad Murphy (Gearstream)
- Track 2: "Accelerating Innovation From the Outside" - Tom Culver (RTI)
1:45 - Choice of Programs
- Track 1: "Digital Ideation and Provisional Patents" - Ty Hagler (Trig Innovation) and Justin Nifong (NPK)
- Track 2: "Tangible Value Propositions" - Jennifer Peavey (Eastman)
2:40 - Break
3:00 - Choice of Programs
- Track 1: "Take B2B Product & Services From Idea to Execution" - Patrick McGowan (Service Design)
- Track 2: "Accelerating Innovation Using the CEO's Problem Statement" - Bill Watson (Duke Energy)
3:50 - Student Awards and Closing
4:20 - Conference Concludes
Schedule subject to change.